We do both simple and complex wisdom teeth removal in Bendigo
Having done postgraduate studies and several courses in dental surgery, our dentists are experts at wisdom tooth removal. We can do both simple and advanced teeth removal procedures.
If your wisdom teeth are correctly positioned and are not causing you any pain or oral health issues, you may not need to have them removed. If they are not optimally positioned, wisdom teeth can cause serious issues and severe pain. If a problem is detected with the development of your wisdom tooth, it is advised that you have it removed by a dentist as soon as possible.
The most common reasons for having wisdom teeth removed include tooth decay, gum infection, pressure pain, orthodontic reasons, prosthetic reasons or cyst formation. These are serious issues, which is why it is vital to have a wisdom tooth assessment performed by a professional dentist in order to avoid any future issues.
Once you are comfortable at the start of the procedure for your wisdom teeth extraction, our dentist will administer pain relief in the form of a local anaesthetic. Injected into your gums, this will numb the area so that you will only be aware of a tugging sensation, and feel no pain during the extraction. Recovery is typically a few days, but the length of time will depend on the complexity of the procedure. You can discuss this with the dentist prior to your wisdom teeth extraction.
The dentist will make an incision in the gum to expose the tooth and bone. If the tooth is difficult to remove, it may be divided into several pieces before being removed. After that, the wisdom tooth extraction site is cleaned by the dentist and any remaining debris is removed. The area is stitched up if required for healing, and gauze is placed over the site to control any bleeding and assist the formation of a blood clot.
Your dentist will discuss the recovery period after your wisdom teeth extraction, but to speed up healing you should avoid hard foods for 24-48 hours after the extraction. It’s also recommended to avoid hot drinks, smoking and any strenuous activity in the day or two after your wisdom tooth extraction. Take care with teeth brushing in this area afterwards, and avoid vigorous motions which could inflame the area.
We can remove wisdom teeth under local anesthesia in the chair at our clinic in Bendigo, or under general anesthesia at the St John of God hospital. The method of extraction will depend on the complexity of where the wisdom tooth is located. Your dentist will discuss your options for extraction, and advise whether this can be done at the clinic or at the hospital.
Speak to our dental team to find out more about wisdom teeth extraction at High Street Dental Practice, call now on (03) 5445 7413
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